A house built by ghosts?! An architectural marvel?! 27,000 square feet?! We had to go see it! The 600 room mansion was very interesting. Windows to nowhere. Doors that open to concrete 2 stories below (as pictured). The short?: Ms. Winchester Widow was a very odd, brilliant, and probably demon-possessed woman who stood at 4'-10". From the east coast, she was told by a medium that she would need to move out west and build every day for the rest of her days to ease the dead spirits of the ones that were killed by the Winchester rifle. At midnight every night she would go to the "blue" room that had one way in and 3 ways out where she "counseled" with "friendly spirits" to decide what to build next to her freaky maze. She was obsessed with the number 13 and it shows up everywhere throughout the estate. Construction ceased when she deceased in 1922 after 38 years of non-stop contruction to her prison. Too bad we were not allowed to take any pictures on the inside of the mansion so that's why the pictures on this blog are all exterior. The landscaping was eccentrically perfect as shown. Remember readers, feel free to leave comments on any section of this Blog.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Mammoth Mountain at 9000 Ft!
Our A/C has been acting a little funny so we grabbed the laptop, drove about 4 hours east and went from 100 ft above sea level to uh....9000+! So hello again snow-topped mountains! We are staying for 2 nights at Mammoth Mountain Inn which turns out to be a ski resort which we had no idea. We just mainly drove around to take in God's super duper creation explosion around us...Enjoy the pictures!
San Francisco!
4th of July weekend is upon us. We cant just sit at home plus the clients I am seeking are mostly on vacation...SO...let's drive about 1.5 hours north and see this San Francisco we have always heard about. The traffic was 4th of July traffic of course but we didn't mind since we were just taking in the sights anyways. There are 4 engineering marvels that cross "the bay" and we managed to ride across 3 of them: The San Mateo bridge, the John T. Knox bridge, and of course the Golden Gate bridge. We have pictured the Golden Gate bridge. We stumbled across a hot spot that I never heard of and that's Pier 39 where we walked all the way to the end and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp! Forrest Gump was on every TV and there was Momma's best recipes and Jenny items on the menu. It was really cool and if you wanted your waiter you flipped your license plate to "Stop Forrest Stop" and if you were content you flipped it to "Run Forrest Run" (As Pictured). We hope to tour Alcatraz some time before we leave. We mananged to take a pic with The Rock in the background when we were at the end of Pier 39. The island looks like a sunken beat up ship...pretty freaky looking place. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Local Entertainment
As we stay around the area of Morgan Hill (15 miles south of San Jose) we are getting to know our way around. When the pool, gym, or horseshoe pits at Coyote Valley RV Resort are not curing the "cabin fever" we tend to look around to see what's going on around us. Everyone knows that I am a sucker for a nice golf course and there is definately no shortage of nice courses around here but it just so happens that probably one of my favorite courses ever is right in our back yard...Cinnabar Hills Golf course http://www.cinnabarhills.com/ . This website is great because it shows you exactly what our surroundings look like by a great photographer. When we get the golf bug fed we will hit up one of the many fresh fruit stands along the road and everything we have tasted from there is amazing! A rare ocassion came across our path while we were here. For those of you who really know me, you know that my favorite band that I have been listening to since I was 10 is the Newsboys. Well, I am a fan on facebook and they posted that they were playing at a small town county fair in CA to promote their new album...I checked to see how close this place was and it turns out it was only 40 miles away, so yes, we got to see an awesome rock concert and eat a chocolate covered cheesecake in the same night.
Monday, June 28, 2010
We arrived at Coyote Valley RV Resort on Saturday afternoon and realized how good we are at getting everything settled. We ate at Chili's and went to Wal-mart...typical Texas evening :).
Sunday is here and we decided to praise God by way of admiring His creation. So, we ventured due west to see the breath-taking Redwood trees & the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. It really was amazing and we were in awe as we felt real small.
Due North!
We leave So Cal and head for North Cal. My iPhone tells me that it will take 3 hours and 59 minutes to reach our next next stop at the "halfway point" at Bakersfield, CA at Bakersfield RV Resort (As Pictured)....Well, it took 3 hours alone to get out of LA!! So it actually took us 6 hours to reach one of our favorite stops where they put us closest to the pool and putting green. Once hooked up we went for a refreshing swim, ate at the restuarant on-site which was amazing, then putted around a little before having a great nights rest. Tomorrow it's off to Coyote Valley!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Putting a Bow on San Diego

Update! Finally, huh? After many requests for an update here you go. What have we been up to? Well, last week was my 29th birthday so we celebrated by playing golf of course. Jana, Cousin Luke, & I shot a 2 over 74 on a very nice course. Brynn drove the cart....no, she just caddied. We have experienced the best buffet ever at Barona Casino just northeast of here. We visited with a good friend of ours that's currently in the Marines at Oceanside & managed to watch "A-Team" which I thought was a great movie! We also go to eat on the pier.
So, it appears that we are going to pick up stakes and head north towards San Jose this coming weekend. I have got a good handful of clients so it's time to get the icing on cake or at least just get more. Not really anything to show picture-wise but the next update will definately have some great shots as we hit the road again. The photo attached is where I spend most of my time sending emails & mining for contacts. In case anyone is interested here is where we have stayed the past month which I highly recommend to anyone visiting this area http://www.santeelakes.com/ .
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Just Chillin'

So we are approaching our 3rd week here in San Diego and we have experienced a little more of our surroundings. My aunt & uncle visited this past weekend and it was really nice to spend some time with them. We saw our first winery and did the wine tasting thing and wine is just disgusting in my opinion but the cheese and salomi was good. Actually, the best thing I tasted this past week was my first In-N-Out burger...wow! This place is like going back in time...price-wise too (As Pictured). We visited the beach again, ate at a few different places, and just got typical life things done. Oil change, Jana got her eyes checked up, trying to get a hold of our mail which is always a challenge. Workwise I have landed another client that I hope proves to be a good one. The BIG BIG BIG meeting is Friday with Qualcomm...please pray about this one...it would be like the Grumpy Old Men landing "Catfish Hunter". Anyways, Brynn is doing great. She likes to watch the ducks, swing, walk, run, and has almost every Shrek toy from McDonald's. :)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
California Dreamin'
Welp! We got our feet on the ground officially when we were here the 4th day and I was fortunate to land a big client right next to Torry Pines golf course. So we celebrated the following weekend and made trips to the zoo, the Padres game, and the beach of course! (As Pictured...for those of you worried about Brynn notice the monkey leash that's hanging out with us everywhere we go :) My parents came in to visit this past weekend and made it to the zoo with us. It was great to see them and for them to see Brynn. Please keep us in your prayers because at this pace we will be headed back to Texas quicker than originally thought. I am right under half-way to my goal at 1.5 weeks when the original plan was to be there at 1.5 months. Praise God's grace!!!
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